Monday, December 29, 2014

Partial die-cutting

I needed a few cards for sending New Year's wishes. I have collected a few tutorials on partial die-cutting and now was the time to try it out. In a way it was quite easy, although the first attempt failed! The plate was over the pencil line and so the numbers were die-cut completely...
 I used Lawn Fawn's Finley's Numbers, kraft cardstock and a gingham background. At first it looked a bit boring, so I stamped here and there on the cardstock, added some embellishments, but it didn't work. That's why I kept the card very simple, it was the most beautiful way. I adhered the front panel with foam tape to give it some dimension. 

Want to make a card like this? Check out this tutorial by Jennifer McGuire. She explains it very clearly and her cards are beautiful with that border. Should find some dies like hers as well :)

Thanks for coming by and enjoy your day!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Saturday, December 20, 2014

CFC #60 - Anything goes

Today the CFC blog launches the last challenge of 2014! 'Anything Goes' it the theme. So, use your fantasy, leftovers of Christmas cards or whatever project you did previously and design a nice CAS-card. In these days of Christmas cards I fancied something different and that's why I made a card with some stuff by Dear Lizzy. It has got a bit of summer in it. I really like the text.

We are looking forward to your cards. Hop over to the CFC blog for more details and a link-up!
Thanks for coming by and enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas cards

Every year somewhere in November I tell myself I'm not going to make Christmas cards and every year somewhere in December I creep into my craft room and make a bunch of cards. So, in 2014 it is the same. Actually, I designed this series of cards by accident. On my desk was a silver glimmer mist waiting for the day when it would be used. Last week I saw it there and I saw some stencils I bought this year. I just gave it a try to see if what the result would be. And before I knew it, I had lots of cards in my hand. I stamped Christmas wishes on it with a Lawn Fawn's ABC set, did some sewing a stamped here and there some red hearts. Finally a bit of twine and that's it. DCL asked for a series of 10x10 Christmas cards and CASology for Silver (I used silver glimmer, unfortunately it is hardly visible on the photos).

Thanks for coming by and enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

For Nina

If there was an election for the most favourite stamp set of the year I would vote for Avery Elle's Storybook. I can't remember how many cards I made with the little deer and other animals in this set. While I was working on a set of christmas cards with stencils (I'll show them later) , I saw Sanne's announcement of the birth of Nina. So, I took my pink glimmer mist and sprayed it over a stencil. I coloured the deer and added a little wink of Stella. For the banner and stars I used some vellum and gold embossing powder and finally a bit of thread and sequins. The result is a bling bling babycard, but isn't that appropriate in this December month?
Sanne and Yuri, congrats on the birth of Nina! This card is on its way to you. 

Thank you for coming by!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

In de krant!

(This is my second post today. If you are looking for my Crazy for Cas card, please click here. This post is in Dutch, sorry! An interview with me has been published in a Dutch newspaper and in this post I give some background information about cardmaking for Dutch readers. I made this card as a warm welcome to new visitors, but I also like to join the current City Crafter's challenge 'just one word')

Mocht je voor de eerste keer Studio Saar & Pien bezoeken, hallo en van harte welkom!  Wellicht ben je hier gekomen via het artikel in het Reformatorisch Dagblad en ben je nieuwsgierig naar mijn kaarten en andere creaties. Snuffel lekker rond en hopelijk krijg je een idee wat ik zoal maak. In deze blogpost staat wat meer informatie en linkjes naar meer uitleg, winkels en leuke websites. Mocht je het artikel niet gelezen hebben, onderaan deze post staat een, helaas wat onduidelijk, deel van het interview (met dank aan Gerda van Ge-Wehobby die het deelde op FB en het RD die mij het volledige artikel toestuurde!)

Misschien vraag je je af waar de naam Studio Saar & Pien nu vandaan komt. Saar en Pien zijn onze twee eigenwijze poezen. Vandaar!

Kaarten maak ik nu zo'n jaar of 5. De aanleiding was mijn zus die voor langere tijd ging werken bij een project in Brazilië. Hiervoor was geld nodig. En dus begon ik kaarten te verkopen. Dat doe ik nog steeds, voor het project in Brazilië en het diaconale project van onze kerk in Roemenië. Ik ben heel klein begonnen met een schaartje, foamtape, een paar papiertjes en verder wat ik zoal op voorraad in mijn knutselkast had liggen. Van lieverlee zijn er steeds meer spulletjes bij gekomen, waardoor mijn kaarten qua technieken ook anders werden.Voor een snel overzicht, kijk even op mijn Pinterest bord.

Dit blog schrijf ik in het Engels. Toen ik met dit blog begon, was ik ook net gestart met de lerarenopleiding Engels. Het leek me een prima oefening voor mijn schrijfvaardigheid. Daarnaast is de kaartenmaakwereld behoorlijk internationaal. Mensen van over de hele wereld bezoeken dit blog en dan is het natuurlijk leuk als iedereen het een klein beetje kan volgen.

 In het krantenartikel wordt verwezen naar een aantal voorwerpen die erg handig zijn.Hieronder staan ze genoemd. Klik erop en je wordt door gelinkt naar website of video met info hierover.

- cuttlebug:met dit apparaat kun je stansen en embossen. Ik gebruik deze niet alleen voor papier, maar ook voor stof en vilt. Voor ons neefje heb ik deze vilten uilenslinger voor de maxi-cosi gemaakt.

- clear stamp:Dit zijn transparante stempels. Hiermee kun je heel nauwkeurig mee werken.Je ziet namelijk precies waar je stempelt
- papierblokjes: Of te wel een paper pad, een bundel van 24 tot 36 verschillende dessin papiertjes. Hieronder het papierblokje wat ik gebruikt heb voor het kaartje van de beschrijving.

- kooktouw/keukentouw/rolladetouw, twine, hoe je het ook wilt noemen, ik haal het gewoon bij Dille en Kamille. Zo'n grote klos gaat heel lang mee.

Er zijn natuurlijk nog veel meer producten te noemen, er is heel veel te koop. Laat je niet gek maken, maar bedenk wat je ermee wilt en of je het ook echt gaat gebruiken. Mijn ervaring is dat als je een leuke collectie papiertjes hebt, een paar leuke stempelsets en wat knoopjes, touwtjes en eventueel een naaimachine, je al een heel eind komt. De collectie breidt zich vanzelf wel verder uit.

Mocht je nieuwsgierig zijn naar die grote beurzen in Amerika, bekijk dan even dit filmpje. Overigens blijft Nederland niet achter, want ook hier zijn inmiddels de nodige beurzen.

In Nederland zijn er veel webwinkels die allerlei producten verkopen. Mijn twee favoriete winkels op dit moment zijn Scrobby en Bij Oma Dee (Het kaartje hierboven is gemaakt met een stempelset uit de winkel van Oma Dee). Maar ook winkels als de Hema verkopen veel spullen, bijvoorbeeld washi tape.

Inspiratie vind ik overal, maar vooral in de blogwereld en op pinterest.
Ik werk graag met de producten van Papertrey Ink, Lawn Fawn, Avery Elle en Stampin Up. Helaas zijn de producten van Papertrey Ink niet te krijgen in Nederland, maar via Amerikaanse kennissen heb ik inmiddels toch één en ander in mijn collectie. Maar naast mooie producten biedt dit bedrijf ook veel inspiratie, voorbeelden en filmpjes van technieken.

Ik ben een groot fan van Elena, Debby en Kristina (heeft heel veel filmpjes met voorbeelden en technieken). Ik bezoek graag hun blogs om ideeën op te doen. Ben je nieuwsgierig naar andere kaartenmaaksters in Nederland, kijk dan even aan de rechter zijkant van dit blog bij 'blogs I follow'. Daar staan linkjes naar blogs die ik volg. In die lijst staan heel creatievelingen uit Nederland.

Tot slot, mocht je nog vragen hebben, stuur me een e-mail of laat een berichtje achter.
Leuk dat je langskwam en wie weet, tot ziens!

CFC #58 Presents

We've got a new challenge for you over at the Crazy for Cas blog! This week's theme is all about presents. Use one or many presents in whatever way you like, just keep it clean and simple. Hop over to the CFC blog for all the details. I have chosen for a small stamp from a Heidi Swapp which I have stamped in several SU inks around the circle frame. Really easy to do, just draw a circle with your pencil and stamp on the line. Remove the line with your rubber and that's it! The sentiment is heat embossed.

Thanks for coming by and looking forward to seeing your takes on the challenge!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


My aunt is going to be 65 tomorrow. This card is in the mail right now. I used the same numbers dies from Lawn Fawn and gingham background as in my previous post. I die cut a bigger circle out of cardstock and stamped with PTI stamps an argylye background. The banner is from Avery Elle, the sentiment from Artemio and the little flowers from PTI.

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Negative die cut

For a long time I have been admiring card made with the negative space die cutting technique, especially when letters and numbers are involved. After seeing this card by Els, I knew that I had to do something with this technique soon. This week I needed three cards and I found some really nice Alphabet and Numbers die sets from Lawn Fawn. Perfect for a card for a colleague who gave birth to a son. And for two couples who celebrated their 50th and 60th wedding anniversary. I kept the cards CAS and used only a small heart stamp and a sentiment besides the dies. As background a gingham pattern. For the first two I used foam tape to pop up the white part. For the third I just glued it onto the gingham background, but it actually lost the effect of the first two. So, no glue next time, just foam tape.

Thanks for hopping by!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

CFC Sketch

It has been a long time ago! Today I'm back with a card for Crazy for CAS. We've got a sketch for you. Very versatile and at the CFC blog are nice examples of my fellow team members.

I made a card using some vellum circles. At the back I hand drew some spirals with a marker. It gives a modern feeling and it is really easy to do. I added some spatters, thread, scored lines, sequins and a sentiment from Papertrey Ink.

Hop quickly over to the CFC-blog for the sketch, more examples and all the details. Looking forward to seeing your creations!

Thanks for coming by and enjoy your Saturday! 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Home sweet Home

On this World Card Making Day a little square card for you! Made with Lawn Fawn's Home Sweet Home set.

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

love #2

Last Friday Sanne of So Sanne got married. Judith gave me her address so I could send her a card! Although we don't know each other, I'm a big fan of her work and she gives me lots of inspiration.

I used papers from 'Dear Lizzy'. The background is made with SU Blushing Bride (!) and I used Perfect Pearls mixed with water for some spatters onto the card base. Of course, a card for Sanne should have a tag!

Happy love, Sanne & Yuri!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Love - DCL#219

I made a card with two little critters from the Lawn Fawn's Into the Wood set. I think they are in love! I stamped a background with the word 'love' made with Lawn Fawn's Milo's ABC in grey and once in red. I added a little glimmer at the wood veneer heart, made a 'circle' with some thread and finished it with a nice yellow stripe motif.
The new challenge at Dutch Card Lovers is all about text. As I don't possess quote stamps, I created a background with text. 

Thanks for hopping by!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Crazy for Cas #54 - wobble card

I admit I wasn't very happy with the new challenge at Crazy for Cas - make a wobble card. I'm not really fond of it because I don't have big circle dies or a circle cutter and I find it hard to make it CAS. However, it is a challenge, so I took it and I came up with a mini version! I used my biggest nestability-circles and made the 'wobble' by folding it. In the middle of the white circle I stamped 'love' with Lawn Fawn's Milo - ABC. From there I stamped with a very little heart stamp (also Lawn Fawn) in red and pinks.
In my opinion quite a CAS wobble card!

If you like to join us the challenge, hop quickly over to the CFC blog for all the details and more inspiration from the CFC-team!
Enjoy your Saturday!

Monday, September 22, 2014

SU Flowerpot

When I received the SU catalogue from Marit , last June, one product caught my attention immediately: the paperline 'Flowerpot'. Such bright colours, lovely little flowers and stripes and dots.
Today, I show you some cards I've made with these papers!

The first one is a card for a newborn. I used Avery Elle's Storybook and Balloons stamps. The grassy border is from Lawn Fawn as well as the ABC.

A congrats cards, made with Lawn Fawn stamps. I used 'wink of stella' for some glitter effect on the hippo.

For the third one I used a stamp from PTI and a star die from Lawn Fawn.

And last but not least, quite CAS and also some wink of stella glitter for the party effect:

Thanks for coming by!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Oh Darling!

With some goodies from the 'Oh Darling!'line by Crate Paper I made two cards. One for a baby girl and a small square card for a birthday girl.

I've been a student again since last week. I have started a Master English. It will be time consuming, but I hope to find some time for card making as well! During an intake which I had with one of the lecturers I got one advice: "Make time for one hobby, otherwise you won't manage. It helps to relax!"
Of course, I will follow that advice!

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Today's card is made for a wedding anniversary. I gave it a bit of a romantic look by using pinks and reds, hearts and and a lovely 'love' die from Clearly Besotted Stamps. Creating a background with daubers is so easy to do and I love the effect. In my previous post, I sponged the ink on watercolour paper. For this card I used smooth cardstock. Both work fine! The little hearts are stamped with a little stamp from a Lawn Fawn set. The bigger heart is from MFT. Designpaper is from Glitz Design.

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

CFC #52 Sketch

The new challenge at Crazy for Cas is a very nice and versatile sketch! Everyone is invited to play along and choose your own preferences for this sketch. We only like to see the sketch in your card.
I made two cards for this challenge. The first one is for a little baby girl in a romantic style. I made a background with SU ink and a dauber. I used some DP papers from Dear Lizzy and velum for the border and stars. I was a bit naughty by using two strips for the border. The word die is from Clearly Besotted Stamps. Some thread and sequins as finishing touch.

The second card is based on the same sketch, but has a totally different outcome. For this card I also used papers from Dear Lizzy as well as an embelishment from the same paperline. The background was a bit empty so I added some banners at the top.

If you like to participate in this challenge, hop over to the CFC blog for all the details.
Looking forward to your creations!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

A challenge and a few other cards

I've got a few cards to share with you today!

The first card is created for the Cas-ology challenge, theme: letter. Well, you can think of a 'letter' send to someone, but I thought of a letter of the Alphabet. I needed a baby card as well, so why not combining these two things? I like a personal baby card with the name of the newborn on it. At the moment Avery Elle's Storybook is my favourite stampset for babycards (yep, I know, in my previous post I used the same stamp set... sorry!). So I coloured the deer and used the balloons for creating the name of the boy (which is a typically Dutch one!). The Alphabet stamp is Lawn Fawn's Claire.
 For the background I used a subtile stripe instead of neutral cardstock. In my opinion it is still CAS, isn't it? 

Next card is made with an older stampset, Off Beat Background from WMS. I hadn't used it for ages, before thinking of stamping a background in combination with masking. The outcome was a congrats card for a newly wed couple.

Last but not least a card I made a couple of weeks ago. I used papers from Crate Paper's Close Knit. Sentiment is from Lawn Fawn and flower+leave from Marianne Design.

Wow, three absolutely different cards!
Thanks for coming by!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

welcome little one

Last week I created a card with stamps from Avery Elle's Storybook and a night sky background made with distress inks and a few drops of water. The stars are heat embossed with gold embossingpowder. I kept the card quite simple by adding a strip of SU paper with a sentiment from the same stamp set.

Little by little I'm preparing for next schoolyear, although I still spend some time in my craftroom. I have to say with such rainy weather I don't mind going back to work...
Thanks for coming by!

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Today I've got hearts for you! I die cut small hearts with a Lawn Fawn die out of a Stampin Up paper pad. The word dies are from Clearly Besotted Stamps. For the first card I used a 'happy' stamp from PTI. It was a long time ago since I used some ribbon on my cards, so I added a nice bow on the second card.

With these cards, I'd like to participate in the current CAS-challenge at the Addicted to Stamps-blog.

Thanks for coming by and enjoy your weekend!